The EU project is not listening to the people and Brexit was a desperate last gasp attempt to flag up the abject failure of the Brussels elite to acknowledge their failings and change course. Mr. SOros you do not have to live with the consequences of unretricted immigration your life with your wealth can be insulated against it, but for millions in Europe the implication for life xhances, quali of life and the futures of our children are under threat, immigration in the numbers the UK has had to tolerate has taken a massive toll on house prices; wage levels; undergraduate unemployment; youth debt; welfare abuse; and the drift of low skilled migrants magnifying poverty levels and making huge demands on our health and welfare systems.One size does not fit all and the EU refuses to acknowledge that and do something about it, democracy is dying, terrorism is rife, and cultural decline is being forced on Europe by multi cultural zealotry. IF Europe is to survive as a political and economic entity, it needs to recast the whole project, focus on trade and co-operation and bett manage immigration and security. If Europe fails to address public concern and persist in ignoring the reality all around us then the EU deserves to fail, because its end game is chaos and division, not support and co-operation. I also doubt your predictions about the permanence of the UK will come to pass, the UK is more solid than the EU and that fact alone will deter erosion of the UK.
Know Your Enemy (The Fuel Project) Mark Fairley
There is a old English word that should be applied to elements of this article , that is bollocksNI will not vote out of uk with a majority of unionist supporters in NIScotland maybe , but there costs are worse short and medium , and why would the EU want another debt economy BOE has already stated they can't use the pound If ref on Scotland had been extended to uk my predictionWas England would have voted them out as drain on uk tax payersAnd I agree with prev comment the uk has never been asked to vote on agreement to euro project before1975 ref was on common market , which we agreed with , this was on the euro project which lost As Americans will know wellNo taxation without representation The eu commissioners were unelected And ps I have worked for eu 2ff7e9595c