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[Robertson Airspeak Book - [PDF Document]](^2^)


3 1987 Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing, from the publisher. For permission within the United States of America contact Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ Printed and bound in Great Britain by Alden Press Ltd. Oxford Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubtication Data Robertson. Fiona, 1945 Airspeak: radiotelephony communication fof pilots. 1. English language Conversation and phrase books {for air pilots) 2. English language Text-books for foreign speakers. 3. Airplanes - Piloting Terminology. I. Title II. Title: Radioiclephony communication for pilots. PE3727.A35R63 I9S " ISBN O-13-02O975-9 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Robertson, Fiona Airspeak: radiotelephony communication for pilots. I. English language Text-books for foreign speakers 2. Aeronautics Language I. Title 428.2'4-02i629I РЕП28 ISBN 0-I3-O ISBN AIRSPEAK Radiotelephony Communication for pilots

5 CONTENTS Foreword viii Acknowledgements xi Introduction xii Notes to the teacher xiv Notes to the learner how to use this book xvii Standard words and phrases xix Part One Pre-flight to line-up Departure information Departure information (routine) Departure information (ATIS) 4 CHECK for Section Route clearances 10 CHECK for Section Start-up Start-up (routine) Start-up (non-routine) I8 CHECK for Section Push-back Push-back (routine) Push-back (non-routine) 25 CHECK for Section Taxiing Taxi (routine) Taxi (routine exchanges) Taxi (nun-routine) 35 CHECK for Section Line-up Line-up (routine) Line-up (non-routine) 44 CHECK for Section Review of Part One Routine phraseology review Flight from Rexbury to Winton (from Departure ATIS to line-up) Flight from Dublin to Paris (from initial contact to line-up) 49 CHECK for Section Supplementary vocabulary Phases of flight Airport words Airport vehicles 57 CHECK for Section Part Two Take-off to top of climb Distress and urgency messages 61 CHECK for Section

Robertson Airspeak book

13 Recordings ICAO CAA DGAC PANS-RAC Except for a few supplementary vocabulary exercises, ALL the exercises in this book are recorded. The recorded exercises are of the following types: a. routine phraseology practice b. non-routine situations c. simulation of a flight with an imaginary scenario d. simulation of a flight using live traffic e. supplementary vocabulary practice All the callsigns and place names used in this book are imaginary except for those in the live recordings of ATIS, VOLMETS and METARS, and in the Dublin to Paris flight. The sound quality of the live recordings reflects the working environment. It should be emphasised that the live recordings have been chosen, not as exemplary models, but as practice to help learners get to grips with reality. Warning This course is based on a considerable amount of authentic material, but it does not attempt to teach: flying procedures anything about aviation other than English words and phrases used in RT all the words that can be found in any situation during a flight References Throughout the book, references arc given for the ICAO. CAA and DGAC phraseologies. The documents referred to arc: International Civil Aviation Organisation, Manual of Radiotelephony, First Edition 1984, Doc 9432-AN/925 Civil Aviation Authority, CAP413, 1984 edition - Direction Generale de l Aviation Civile, Procedures de Radiotelephony a l Usage de la Circulation Aerienne Generate - Phraseologie, Arrete du 7 Septembre 1984 The ICAO Manual of Radiotelephony has been chosen in preference to the recommendations in the PANS-RAC, as the presentation of short dialogues in the Manual is considerably easier to place in the context of its correct phase of flight than the original recommendations. However, it has occasionally been necessary to return to the source, as it were, for example in the Route Clearances Section. In this case the document referred to is: International Civil Aviation Organisation, Procedures for Air Navigation, Rules of -the Air and Air Traffic Control, XIII

14 NOTES TO THE TEACHER This material can be adapted for use in the classroom, with a tape-recorder, and it is ideal for use in the language laboratory. suggestions for classroom work Key words and phrases Before looking at the list of key words and phrases, find out what students already know-by 'brainstorming', as follows: Write the section title on the board (e.g. Departure ATIS) and ask the class to write down all the words they know related to the subject, first individually, then in pairs. Finally put together the whole class's knowledge of the vocabulary connected with Departure ATIS, either by writing it up on the board or by pinning up pieces of paper used by the class to list their words. Check that all the words mentioned in the book have been covered. If not, teach those that remain. Another approach to this list is to ask the students to organise it into categories. Each student may see a different way to organise the words, but this is not a problem in fact, it can be enriching. Try to help the students to understand that there is no 'right answer' here. The exercise is aimed at helping students remember words by thinking about them, and coming to their own individual decisions about them. Different ways to categorise the Departure ATIS list could be: (i) units, weather words, navigation words; (ii) abbreviations, single syllable words, two syllable words, three syllable words, phrases. Once each student establishes different categories, they can be shown and explained to the rest of the group. Check the pronunciation and accentuation of the words in the list. Typical exchange This presents an analysis of a typical exchange, and it shows the layout of the pilot-controller exchange which will be practised in the exercises. There are paragraph references to some of the official phraseologies. Whenever there arc variations, the ICAO phraseology is used here, but possible variations are described in the NOTES. A useful preparation for the listening and speaking exercises which follow is to elicit this kind of analysis from the class. If that seems too difficult, write up the dialogue layout with a few elements missing. Then ask the class to supply the missing items. Routine phraseology Routine phraseology has been divided into short model dialogues for each phase of flight; and for each phase, the taped material is presented in the same sequence: Listen Listen and Repeat Write Check Listen and Speak Check XIV

15 This sequence has been chosen so that the learner hears and says the phrases before seeing them in print. Since the 'answers' also appear in the book, the learner has to be dissuaded from reading the answers before doing the exercise. With adult learners it is fairly easy to show that the objective is Jo understand the spoken word without written support and hence to accept the discipline of listening and repeating before looking at the written text. However, it would be counter-productive to be too authoritarian in this matter. The learner should take responsibility for his or her own learning, and therefore has a choice whether to accept advice or not. All the material presented here can be used for classroom work or/and language laboratory work. Each section contains minutes of taped material on routine phraseology, the contents of which provide ample material for 1J hours of classwork, including minutes of individual work in the laboratory, or in pairs. The initial Listen and Repeat practice can be usefully done in a group with the teacher correcting pronunciation. The written exercise is important so that the learner knows exactly the words which will be used in the Listen and Speak exercise. The written phrases must therefore be carefully checked. In the language laboratory, time must be given for the writing phase. The Listen and Speak exercise can be practised in pairs with the use of the. Tapescript of Controller's Part (pages ). In pairs, students take turns as the controller and the pilot. With an odd number of students, the odd-one-out could check the 'pilot', using the CHECK pages. In classroom practice of this kind, insist on the use of 'say again' for any parts of messages which are not understood. Non-routine exercises These take the form of listening comprehension followed by 'auto-dictation" blank-fill. The listening comprehension can be done in the classroom, but the blank-лп is best done individually. However, it can be used as a recall exercise, rather than an 'auto-dictation*. Preparation for these exercises can take the form of classroom discussion on possible non-routine situations that could occur at the particular phase of flight, with students recounting any personal experiences they may have had. Supplementary vocabulary exercises Although these are grouped at the end of each Part of the course, they should be used in small doses along with the sections on phraseology. You may want to enlarge these sections with other kinds of activities centred on learning vocabulary. Many of the word games used in general language courses can be adapted to suit specific areas. One could have activities such as: What's My Job in Aviation? (a yes/по guessing game); Describe and Arrange, with matching sets of pictures of different types of planes; aviation crosswords; number games. Suggestions for other activities Remember that for the learner, a little RT practice goes a long way. Never try to cover more than one Routine RT Section and one Non-routine RT Section in one lesson. Classroom time can be usefully spent reviewing basic English structures in an aviation context, for example: describe your last flight (past tense) what do you do before you board the plane (present simple tense)? what are the essential qualities for a pilot ('should*)? how will civil aviation develop in the next 20 years (expressions of futurity)? XV 2ff7e9595c

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